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Lovegra Tablets (Female Viagra)


Brand Name : Lovegra
Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Manufacturer : Ajanta Pharma Ltd
Packaging : 4 Tablets in one Strip
Strength : 100mg

SKU N/A Category



Lovegra – Sildenafil Citrate Tablets 100mg are well known, fruitful and broadly acknowledged treatment for erectile brokenness. Lovegra is delivered in the greatest norm to guarantee security and adequacy. Patients utilizing Lovegra consistently report effective intercourse and for the most part keep on utilizing the treatment. The compelling treatment season of Lovegra is 4 – 6 hours, but many specialists report longer successful times.

The dynamic element of Lovegra is Sildenafil Citrate. It has a place with the PDE-5 group of vasodilators. These medications work by widening the veins in the body – especially around the genital region. This permits more grounded blood stream to empower an erection to happen. Lovegra is presently one of the standard medicines for erectile brokenness.

Lovegra is certainly not a love potion and feeling will be expected to foster an erection.

Lovegra is fabricated clinically by Ajanta Pharma. Buy Lovegra 100mg online without prescription in USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Australia at pharmacyonearth.com


The safe showed portion of Lovegra inside a 24 hour time span is 100mg (1 tablet). This medication will become compelling inside 30 to an hour. Powerful treatment time is 4 – 6 hours. Continuously take this medication with an enormous glass of water.

Stay away from enormous or greasy suppers near when you expect to take the medication. Moreover, stay away from the normal utilization of a lot of grapefruits and grapefruit juice. Grapefruit can raise the degrees of Sildenafil Citrate in your body and postpone the time it takes for the medicine to work.

Liquor will likewise diminish the viability of this medication. Sildenafil Citrate can bring down circulatory strain, and joining it with liquor might additionally build this impact. You might be bound to encounter side effects like tipsiness, dazedness, blacking out, flushing, migraine, and heart palpitations. You ought to keep away from or limit the utilization of liquor while being treated with Sildenafil Citrate, and use alert while getting up from a sitting or lying position.


Alongside its required impacts, Lovegra might cause a few undesirable impacts. Albeit not these secondary effects might happen, on the off chance that they really do happen they might require clinical consideration.

Ordinarily announced symptoms of Lovegra include: dyspepsia, cerebral pain, visual unsettling influence, and flushing. Opposite incidental effects include: epistaxis, sleep deprivation, nasal blockage, and rhinitis. See underneath for a far reaching rundown of unfavorable impacts.


These common side effects are connected to dehydration and usually diminish by increasing water intake.

  • Facial redness or flushing
  • Headache
  • Blocked nose
  • Dryness in eyes
  • Mild Nausea


The accompanying results of Lovegra might happen that generally don’t require clinical consideration. These incidental effects are not risky and may ordinarily lessen as your body acclimates to the medication. Patients giving these aftereffects by and large don’t have to quit taking Lovegra.

Additionally, your medical services proficient might have the option to educate you concerning ways of forestalling or decrease a portion of these secondary effects. Check with your medical services proficient assuming any of the accompanying secondary effects proceed or are vexatious or on the other hand in the event that you have any inquiries concerning them :

  • Hurts or torments in the muscles
  • Looseness of the bowels
  • Troublesome or worked relaxing
  • Flushing
  • Light awareness
  • Agony or delicacy around the eyes and cheekbones
  • Redness of the skin
  • Slight obscured vision
  • Slight blueness in vision
  • Sniffling
  • Stomach uneasiness following suppers
  • Inconvenience dozing
  • Surprisingly warm skin


Albeit genuine aftereffects are uncommon, in the event that you experience any the accompanying genuine incidental effects, quit taking Lovegra and look for crisis clinical consideration right away.

  • Erection longer than 4 hours (Priapism)
  • Severe decrease or loss of vision
  • Severe decrease or loss of hearing
  • Cloudy or bloody urine


Patients taking the accompanying medication types shouldn’t accept Lovegra :

  • Dynamite drugs
  • Nitroprusside drugs
  • Amyl Nitrate (Recreationally known as poppers)
  • Organ Donor Recipient drugs
  • Azole antifungal drugs taken orally (skin creams for treatment of candida/thrush are protected)


Lovegra isn’t reasonable for everybody. Patients under treatment for the accompanying circumstances; or any continuous oversaw condition, ought to counsel their PCP before taking Lovegra :

  • Heart Related and Cardiovascular illnesses including aortic stenosis, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis and general ventricular surge deterrent
  • Stroke, myocardial infaction (coronary failure) or genuine arrhythmia
  • Heart disappointment or coronary vein illness causing temperamental angina
  • Pulse related sicknesses including Hypertension and Hypotension and patients with severley weakened autonomic control of circulatory strain
  • Resting hypotension (low pulse) of (BP <90/50)
  • Resting hypertension (hypertension) of (BP >170/110)
  • Retinitis pigmentosa (hereditary infection of the retina)
  • Sickle cell or other related anaemias
  • HIV (explicitly on treatment with protease inhibitors)
  • Organ benefactor beneficiaries


Try not to take more than one portion of Lovegra each day.

Try not to consume grapefruit or grapefruit items while taking Lovegra.

Continuously converse with your PCP prior to taking ANY drug for erectile brokenness. Some erectile brokenness prescriptions are not appropriate for men with specific ailments, and your primary care physician can exhort you on another option.

Call your primary care physician right away assuming that you experience tipsiness or feel sick during sexual action, or foster torment, deadness, shivering in your chest, arms, neck, or jaw.

Try not to take Lovegra in the event that you are likewise taking a nitrate drug, (for example, dynamite or isosorbide dinitrate/mononitrate) for chest torment or heart issues. Try not to take Lovegra with sporting medications, for example, “poppers”. Taking these substances together can cause an abrupt and hazardous drop in pulse.

Continuously purchase your prescriptions from a legitimate provider as there are a great deal of fake items available.

Certain way of life and mental elements, like smoking, drinking, and stress, can affect on erectile brokenness. Wiping out these – for instance, remaining more dynamic, getting in shape on the off chance that you are overweight, lessening liquor admission, halting smoking and decreasing pressure – may likewise assist with working on erectile brokenness.

Never take other erectile brokenness prescriptions simultaneously as taking Lovegra.

Look for critical clinical guidance assuming an unfavorably susceptible response, abrupt vision misfortune or agonizing erections enduring over four hours happen.

Drinking liquor in the wake of taking Lovegra might bring down pulse and decline sexual execution.


Sildenafil Citrate obstructs the activity of a protein known as cGMP-explicit phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5). This protein separates cGMP, a substance that instigates smooth muscles to unwind. Hindering PDE-5 methods expanded degrees of cGMP inside the smooth muscles which advances muscle unwinding and vasodilation (an extending of veins).
Elevated degrees of PDE-5 are found in the penis, lungs, and retina. PDE-5 is likewise found all through the body inside the smooth muscle cells of veins and muscles.

Sildenafil Citrate has a place with the class of drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors. Sildenafil Citrate increments blood stream to the penis following sexual feeling. It does this by hindering the protein liable for the breakdown of cGMP. cGMP is a substance that unwinds and enlarges veins and smooth muscle cells. This permits men to save an erection hard enough for sex.

Sildenafil Citrate just works following sexual feeling. It works inside 30 to an hour, yet might be required as long as four hours before sexual action.

Sildenafil Citrate is utilized to treat erectile brokenness (ED) and to lessen pulse in pneumonic blood vessel hypertension (PAH). It is taken when required for ED and consistently for PAH. A cerebral pain, stomach disturbs and flushing are the vitally secondary effects.

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Packing Size

20 Pills, 40 Pills, 60 Pills, 80 Pills